Category Archives: mine

2015 365 | week 25

170/365 | minecraft torch 171/365 | B’s first jewelry – a bracelet from Gigi for her upcoming  baptism 172/365 | Nate’s “party hair”. it grows up, forwards, and sideways, no idea how. 173/365 | an attempt at panning, one of a gajillion and the only slightly decent one 174/365 | new baby trick: pulling up…

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one | june 2015

Happy summer everyone! Around here it’s been weird, kind of like living in a tropical rainforest. Muggy and thunderstorms on and off. Luckily our basement hasn’t flooded yet (knock on wood, because it floods easily), and our power has stayed on. In between rain storms we dodge outside and find fun stuff to do. I…

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2015 365 | week 24

Week 24 of a photo a day in 2015! 163/365 | my little lady is 8 months old! 164/365 | can’t explain this one… 165/365 | cousin craziness, the very best kind! 166/365 | early morning 167/365 | flowers that the boys planted in spring 168/365 | splash pad fun 169/365 | writing birthday gift thank…

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2015 365 | week 23

A photo a day in 2015: 156/365 | getting reacquainted with my 85mm lens now that i can get outside and have more room. remembering why it’s my favorite now, hello, beautiful bokeh! 157/365 | national donut day, happy to oblige 158/365 | last soccer game of the season 159/365 | c is 6 years…

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2015 365 | week 22

Rolling on with my project 365, week 22! Including the very last day of kindergarten for my favorite 5 year old. Hard to believe. And he won’t be 5 for much longer… 149/365 | hanging out downtown 150/365 | she’s getting a decent head of hair – much more at this age than either of…

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2015 365 | week 21

141/365 | the sweetest end-of-year performance by N and his preK buddies. their teachers asked them what they wished could always be. they sang it into the microphone and then walked down the aisle with a picture they drew. answers ranged from peanut butter and jelly to family members to ninjas. may there always be:…

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