Category Archives: mine

2015 365 | week 28

191/365 | getting more hair! 192/365 | a task that I put off forever…taking our giant comforters to the laundromat…was a pain but washed 5 of them in 30 minutes 194/365 | one of the most spectacular pink/red sunsets I have ever seen at the lake 195/365 | reeled in a big one! 196/365 | just…

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one | august 2015

It’s hard to believe summer is drawing to a close. Once the 4th of July rolls around, I always get a little depressed because at that point, summer is halfway over. Then everything seems to move at warp speed. It’s probably abundantly clear for those of you who follow me here that we spend a…

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2015 365 | week 27

184/365 | a quiet moment with her ba ba 185/365 | headed to one of my favorite places for a shoot, st. joseph, michigan 186/365 | hanging around the old barber shop on round lake 187/365 | happy 4th! 188/365 | nate 189/365 | waiting for dinner at captain jack’s 190/365 | the boys coming…

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2015 365 | week 26

177/365 | ring around the rosy, playing in the yard at Gigi and Pop Pop’s new house with cousins 178/365 | blue moon 179/365 | baptism day for B! With her fabulous godparents, who just happen to be the maid of honor and best man from our wedding nine years ago – at this very…

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Last weekend, my brother and I went to Gregory Beach to visit the cottage we lived in as kids, Happyour. My dad grew up in that same cottage, one of a string of family-owned and operated cottages that are still owned by that same family, happy to say! Each cottage was given a name by…

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one | july 2015

July is probably my favorite month, I love summer, I love spending time in Michigan and out on the water, and the 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday. The weather has continued to be kind of strange, we haven’t always able to get out on the water because of the rain storms…but…

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  • {One} July 2015 | Adele Humphries Photography - […] follow me to Chicago to see what the amazing Jessica has been up to this month. Most of it has been spent up in Michigan I […]ReplyCancel

  • Adele Humphries - This is just darling! I love how Sully is looking at the light. Like he’s thinking “How am I supposed to get to sleep with this thing blaring?!” LOLReplyCancel

  • Krista - What a sweet and cozy moment! I think I snuggled with that Sully when I was there…. 😉ReplyCancel
