Category Archives: mine

So long, summer…

We’re sad to see you go!

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  • Kim L - Bless it!!! 🙂 Love this Jessica, perfect sentiment, and I just want to squeeze him!ReplyCancel

The cutest little farm

You ever did see.  Who would guess that right on the outskirts of Boston is an adorable several hundred year-old farm?  It was right around the corner from my sister in law’s place, so we took the boys over to visit the goats.  Unfortunately, the goats were behind an electrified fence so we avoided them…

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  • Stacey - Love the happy little farm! I love the orange/red themes running throughout the images. It feels so warm and cohesive as a series!ReplyCancel

  • Kim - You know I love this – the processing has such a warm and inviting feel and matches the environment. I love this so much!!ReplyCancel


Hotel room fun.  Wow, I am way behind here!  Going to be playing a lot of catch-up trying to get back on track with my 52-week photography project.  I have all the shots, it’s just a matter of uploading, editing, choosing my favorites and then getting them loaded here.  But I’ve been spending every waking…

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  • Stacey - Beautiful – what a perfect snippet of your trip. And of COURSE the hotel was the best part! I love the way kids’ minds work.ReplyCancel


Charlie and his best friend George.  Charlie is 3 now, so I know that maybe George won’t be his bestie for too much longer.  Already sometimes he tells me he doesn’t need him.  Sigh.  So I recently went out just to catch some images of the lovey that has served him so well, and gone…

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  • Ali - That first b+w image is my favorite! All of these are great!!ReplyCancel


At the zoo.  I am cheating a bit this week.  These images are a couple of weeks old, but I’m sifting through a huge backlog right now!  We had a lot of fun going to the “Extreme Bugs” exhibit at the Brookfield Zoo.  What could be more perfect for little boys than an exhibit about…

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Just to prove that he actually is capable of sleeping…(sometimes):

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  • Julia - Aww, you can refer back to this at 5am when he’s up!
    Love the over the crib shot- was that taken with your new and improved 35? 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Julia - Aww, you can refer back to this at 5am when he’s up!
    Love the over the crib shot- was that taken with your new and improved 35? 🙂ReplyCancel

  • valerie marie - aw. that squishy face on # 3 !!! Love #2 😀ReplyCancel

  • adelehumphries - LOVE that second shot! And the squishy cheeks too 🙂ReplyCancel
