Category Archives: mine

grandma + grandpa’s house|film

I am trying to catch up with blogging some film images from my first few rolls!  I posted some of the other shots I took using this first roll of black and white film, of Belle Isle in Detroit, here.  Here are some more from that roll, from in and around my in-law’s home.  I love the…

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dad’s day!

Happy Father’s Day to all of the wonderful dads I know – I am lucky to have so many in my life.  And these two little ones are lucky too…

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  • Kim - This is amazing. So touching. Love the conversion!!ReplyCancel


Four years ago today, at 8:30 a.m., you finally decided to make your entrance into the world and say hello.  All 9 pounds and 9 ounces of you 🙂  Ever since you have grown like a weed into the adorable little dude I know and love today.  Happy Birthday Char!

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almost 4

To my sweet little C on his last day of being three years old:  I keep telling you to stop growing and to stay small and you just keep laughing and telling me you can’t help it.  Can you try a lot harder?  Thanks buddy.  You just keep getting better every day.  Love you to the…

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  • Kim - He is SOOO your mini-me!! Enjoy the 4yo year, they only get funnier — one of my favorites!! Great expressions!!ReplyCancel

  • dad - When did our little bear turn into a bear cub!! Huney, great job capturing all 3 years and 364 days.ReplyCancel

  • Adele - Oh he’s so sweet! Each passing year is so bittersweet! I hope he has a wonderful birthday and that you both figure out how to slow the progression of time so that the next birthday doesn’t come around quite so soon 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Julia - Aw love this and especially love Tim’s comment. 🙂 Happy Birthday kiddo!! I know it’s tough for us mamas, but- FOUR ROCKS! 🙂ReplyCancel

out and about|film

Continuing my fun with testing out different types of film, here are a few shots from my second roll of color film.  Film is so fun, it’s unpredictable, I can’t check my LCD screen, and I don’t know what I’ll get until weeks later after the scans are sent back to me from the lab. …

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  • Kim - Love the theme here Jess! Boys and toys :). Colors are gorgeous and enjoyed reading your thoughts!ReplyCancel


How is it the end of May already? Jeesh. So, I *think* I can safely say that summer is finally on the way…at least it was showing itself a little bit last weekend in between cold and rain, so I took my boys to the “flower park” otherwise known as Cantigny Gardens.  There are flowers and green…

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  • Adele Humphries - bwahahahaha!! He cracks me up! Fantastic that you captured this moment Jess 🙂ReplyCancel

  • denise howe - Such a cute blog “circle!” Love the picture of the little “superhero” in the Subway! Makes me long for city days.ReplyCancel

  • Stacey Vukelj - I am laughing SO hard at this. J wants to know “WHAT is he DOING?” Too funny. And thank you to Denise!ReplyCancel

  • Kim - I just adore this. SO funny, and so true to your style!!ReplyCancel

  • Mama Z - Absolutely perfect in every way! Hilarious, adorable, typical of a tired munchkin. Oh how I miss that age! Jess, your images never fail to make make me giggle.ReplyCancel
