Category Archives: mine

holiday magic

This year we caught a little break because it was unseasonably warm last weekend. We love going to the Brookfield Zoo (and it’s so close to our house that it’s a great diversion for the kids), but we usually skip Holiday Magic because we don’t want to drag our kids out in the polar vortex…

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the “log cabins”

I’m finally getting around to sifting through my personal photos from last summer. Since I was super pregnant I don’t have the usual amount, it pretty much zapped any creative energy I had, but I tried to document some of our summer fun. In August, we headed way north again to the top of the…

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one month old | la grange park baby photographer

Just posting some shots of my little bundle of joy at one month old. She’s soooo much older now…6 weeks. Ha! It’s such a fun and fleeting time when you can count their age in days and weeks. As you can see we are having no fun at all with this baby girl!

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one | october 2014

October was an unforgettable month for us here in the Remus household as we welcomed our baby girl on the 6th, and overnight became a party of 5. Thankfully, after a rocky third trimester, this delivery and recovery was my smoothest one yet. We are all a little bit exhausted and a lot in love…

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  • Stacey - She is so beautiful and I am so excited for you guys! And such gorgeous, peaceful shots.ReplyCancel

one | august 2014

Another month of summer has drawn to a close (waaaaahhhhh!) and I’m already getting sad about summer being nearly over. It’s my favorite season, I wait all year for it through the frigid Chicago winters. Because it’s worth it. We are lucky to be able to spend a lot of time in Michigan playing and…

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  • Adele Humphries - Soooo beautiful, my friend! I love seeing your lake shots! I really want to visit Michigan to see this place for myself. One day.ReplyCancel

big day

Today was the day – my oldest baby heading off to kindergarten. I was so nervous that he would be scared about riding the bus. Evidently, I completely underestimated him (thankfully!) and he couldn’t wait to get on that bus. Even though he’s been in preschool of one form or another since he was about…

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  • MamaZ - Congratulations Charlie!!! I’m so with you Jess. I cried on K’s first day…21 years ago. I tossed J out the door 2 years later, without a single tear. 🙂ReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks Mama Z! I’m hoping it gets easier next time around too!ReplyCancel

  • tpr - That’s my boy!! Nobody will mess with a kid with a shark backpack.ReplyCancel

  • Adele - This post gives me butterflies because i know i face the same thing in less than a week. Your Mr C faced it like a boss!! Hope his first day was fantastic!ReplyCancel
