Category Archives: mine

2015 365 | week 3

A picture a day in 2015, week 3! This week I really seem to have an unintentional thing for composing my subject on the right. Also, we had a short 4-day trip to Clearwater, Florida, a nice 50 degree upward swing in the weather for us. For those of you following along, did you know…

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2015 365 | week 2

Week two of a picture per day in 2015, woohoo! I’ve made it this far, folks…only 351 more to go – yikes! You can see my first post here. 8/365 | snow day 9/365 | thanks for this, elsa 10/365 | nightly routine 11/364 | feets 12/365 | always touching her head… 13/365 | tuckered…

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Winter fun in St. Joe

St. Joseph, Michigan has some great stuff to do for little kids. We love going to Silver Beach in the summer, a really fun beach on the shores of Lake Michigan. And there is a ton of stuff right there for kids – playgrounds, splash pads, children’s museum, indoor carousel, and a yummy pizza place…

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2015 365 | week 1

Okay so, I always said I’d never attempt a 365 project. Or at least if I didn’t say it out loud, I have thought it. I’ve always wanted to do one, but knew that I’d have a lot of trouble keeping up with it. And then you just wind up feeling defeated, and it backfires…

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  • Adele Humphries - Oh My Goodness!! I’m so excited! Can’t wait to see this unfold and cheer you on as you go forward. Good luck Jess! I know you will rock this as you do everything else! <3ReplyCancel

    • Jessica Remus - Thank you sweet friend, I could use a good cheerleader!ReplyCancel

  • 2015 365 | week 2 - Jessica Remus Photography - […] Week two of a picture per day in 2015, woohoo! I’ve made it this far, folks…only 351 more to go – yikes! You can see my first post here. […]ReplyCancel

the greatest show on earth

The rule was you had to be five years old. Five years old and up, and you could go to the circus with my grandfather (Papa). My brother was the oldest, a full four years old than me, so he had the pleasure of going solo for several years there. But then once we came…

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one | december 2014

New year, new baby, new website…(website still under construction, to be finished soon!) Hard to believe that 2014 is drawing to a close, it went by so fast. I found out I was pregnant with baby #3 in early February 2014, the best Valentine’s Day gift ever. In June I was thrilled to find out…

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  • Stacey - Oh my goodness, this is just the best! She is beyond adorable. Love the new site look, too!ReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks Stacey 🙂 She’s the best!ReplyCancel

  • Adele Humphries - Can i reiterate my desire to have her move here to Texas and live with me?! Oh my gosh she’s just so cute!!! I need to wake up to some of those smiles <3ReplyCancel

    • Jessica Remus - Can we both come? I want to skip winter this year, would much rather hang out with you guys!!!ReplyCancel

  • Adele Humphries - Also, LOVE the overhaul! It’s just so YOU.ReplyCancel

    • Jessica Remus - Thanks! I’m having fun with it, glad it looks “me” – I thought so 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Krista - That smile!!! OMG. There are no words. Gorgeous little one! (And, I love the new site!)ReplyCancel
