Category Archives: kids
Finally getting back around to some images I took when we were in Florida in March. Couldn’t help but notice this little cutie as she was exploring the ocean near where my sons were playing. While my boys were flinging sand around and digging giant holes in the beach, she was cautiously testing the waters.
Four years ago today, at 8:30 a.m., you finally decided to make your entrance into the world and say hello. All 9 pounds and 9 ounces of you 🙂 Ever since you have grown like a weed into the adorable little dude I know and love today. Happy Birthday Char!
Happy Birthday sweet C!! So adorable!!
What a beautiful capture! Happy Birthday, C!
To my sweet little C on his last day of being three years old: I keep telling you to stop growing and to stay small and you just keep laughing and telling me you can’t help it. Can you try a lot harder? Thanks buddy. You just keep getting better every day. Love you to the…
He is SOOO your mini-me!! Enjoy the 4yo year, they only get funnier — one of my favorites!! Great expressions!!
When did our little bear turn into a bear cub!! Huney, great job capturing all 3 years and 364 days.
Oh he’s so sweet! Each passing year is so bittersweet! I hope he has a wonderful birthday and that you both figure out how to slow the progression of time so that the next birthday doesn’t come around quite so soon 🙂
Aw love this and especially love Tim’s comment. 🙂 Happy Birthday kiddo!! I know it’s tough for us mamas, but- FOUR ROCKS! 🙂
Continuing my fun with testing out different types of film, here are a few shots from my second roll of color film. Film is so fun, it’s unpredictable, I can’t check my LCD screen, and I don’t know what I’ll get until weeks later after the scans are sent back to me from the lab. …
Love the theme here Jess! Boys and toys :). Colors are gorgeous and enjoyed reading your thoughts!
Kim - This is amazing. So touching. Love the conversion!!