Happy 2017 and hello, neglected blog!
I am going to try to pump out some more work on the blog this year, both personal and client work. I have so many lovely and fun images just sitting around on my hard drive. I’m always behind, but got insanely behind this past fall. Lots of client work and we moved among other things. Recipe for disaster in terms of keeping up with blogging and sharing. I also lagged behind quite a lot on taking personal photos, and I’m trying to get back in the swing.
So my gift to self late in 2016 was a new lens, one I’ve had my eye on for quite some time. I’ve only had one chance to use it so far, as it has been subzero here for a stretch. There was one nice sunny day recently, the kids needed some exercise and we walked to the park around the corner. My little girl figured 28 degrees was plenty warm and insisted on taking off her coat. She’s nuts like that.
I’m still getting used to this new lens, it’s super large, heavy and unwieldy. I’m usually shooting wide angle lenses and therefore am used to being at pretty close range to my kids. I can be on the next block and get a close up of them with this sucker! However, I’m in love with this lens already. Here are a few snaps from the park (and yes my kids need to get out more!):
Another year comes to a close! I’m so happy to be continuing this blog circle with some of my favorite people (and photographers)…
This shot is the kind I like to take the most. A random and extremely ordinary snippet of my life. The reason I started snapping more photos to begin with. I haven’t done much of this sort of photography in months, client work tends to be all-consuming in the fall busy season. I hope to pick up my camera more for me and my family in 2017, and to get back to documenting the bits and pieces that make up my daily life.
I was cleaning (or something of that nature) when I heard B singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I peeked over and saw that she was in her little rocking chair (which she had dragged into her brothers’ room), holding and rocking her “baby”, singing to her and patting her gently on the back. Completely mimicking exactly what we do before we put her down for bed. Being a boy mom for quite a while until now, this kind of thing still blows me away. Of course, I then scrambled for my camera and she stopped what she was doing when she noticed me watching her. I didn’t catch her in the rocking chair but was in time for her putting her baby night-night.
Here’s to a happy, healthy, and fun 2017. Please click here to continue around our small circle to see what my dear friend Krista has been up to this December!
Hard to believe that 2016 is about to draw to a close! We spent a little time this month at the Magic Kingdom, the first trip for our kids and their cousins. Queen Elsa was kind enough to light up Cinderella’s castle every night with snow and ice 🙂
Now click here to follow me to NY to see what my super talented friend Stacey has been up to, she has had a very busy fall!
October is always a crazy busy month around here. It’s my busiest month for photography sessions, it’s soccer season for the boys, and this year we are moving to a new home! However, I did take a pause to take my little lady out for a couple of photo sessions just for her. She turned two October 6th. And because her legs are still pretty scrumptious I am cheating and putting more than one shot in this month!
Now please click here to follow me around our circle to see what my dear friend Adele has been up to this month in Texas!
September was a rough one for us, we unexpectedly and abruptly lost our best friend, our sweet, goofy, loyal, fun-loving Australian Shepherd, Calvin.
Cal – I still see you everywhere, I keep expecting you to bound out the door every time I come home. And am saddened again every time I open the door and nobody is behind it. I still move my legs to the side when jumping out of bed in the morning so that I don’t step on you. You were always right under my feet.
The kids loved you so much. Like a proud papa lion you let them do just about anything to you without so much as flinching. Brenna even fell on you several times from the couch. That can’t have felt good. You didn’t budge. In fact, I think every time it happened you probably wondered if she was okay. One of the images I have burned in my mind is her throwing her chubby little toddler arms around your big,furry, beautiful neck and saying “Hiiii Calbiiiin!!! Hiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiii!!!!” and squeezing you as tight as she could. She did this to you numerous times when I know you weren’t feeling well, and again, instead of moving away from her, I could almost see you smiling.
This image was one of the last I took of you, unbeknownst to me. We were staying in our log cabin in the woods and you were annoyed that we were leaving you behind when we left to go out to eat. You always hated being left behind. We miss you and hope there are endless tennis balls to chase and lakes to dive into in doggie Heaven. You were the best and we miss you so.
Please follow me to Colorado to see what my amazingly talented friend Sarah has been up to!
Beautiful photos to remember such a beautiful soul. Hugs to you all as you grieve for him. <3
Whoa what just happened, how is it September already? My One post for August is a shot from our week at Starved Rock State Park. Who knew there was such natural beauty right here in Illinois? I mean, Chicago is amazing and outside of that there’s lots and lots of…flat land and cornfields. And then, right in the middle of said cornfields is this amazing series of canyons and waterfalls at Starved Rock. We had a great week in our log cabin right in the park, going on long hikes, looking for waterfalls, bugs and birds.
It’s fun to be a tourist in your own backyard once in a while. I’ll be posting more from this trip in a few days 🙂
Now click here and follow me to Colorado to see what my friend Sarah has been up to lately, I hope it’s one of her incredible nature or animal shots!! See ya next month!