Something BIG happened just last week while we were on spring break vacation in Florida. My six year old closed his eyes, held his breath, and jumped. And I was underwater to catch it!
A kid going underwater in a pool may not seem monumental. But we are still amazed, this was a really big deal for us. Our little guy has been afraid of the water. He hated getting his face wet even in the bathtub or shower. We spend much of our time on a lake in the summer, and the rest at a pool. We have tried countless swim lessons and ways to encourage him and nothing has worked. I was actually just looking into private lessons because not knowing how to swim and be safe around water just isn’t an option in our family.
Admittedly, I was also having trouble understanding his fear and distaste for being in the water because I’m a water baby who was swimming before I could walk. My parents had to pull me out of the lake every night at dinner time. There’s no place I’d rather be than on or in the water. Not only did I want N to be safe and unafraid around water, I was desperate for him to experience the fun and joy of swimming and playing in the water.
I’m not sure why he finally did it. All week, we tried every bribe in the book. For the past three years or so, I have been having a blast with my oldest son taking pictures of him underwater. Like me, my oldest figured out how to swim on his own and I have been documenting it ever since. As one final bribe, I told N that if he went underwater, I could finally get a picture of him underwater for our vacation photo book too. That this would be a HUGE goal that he could meet. Still…nothing. He wouldn’t do it.
The day before we were supposed to leave N asked “how many more days left in Florida?” and we said one. And he went under. Just like that! I was in the pool with my camera, and caught it (first pic in this post)! We were all cheering him on, still in shock, and he went under again and again. The switch then flipped. He was jumping in, doing tea parties with C underwater, and even swam across the pool underwater. I had him put on goggles and dive for things. He swam at night. I still can’t believe it.
I’m so glad to have another water baby, finally. Mostly, I’m thrilled that N pushed himself past his fear to see what was on the other side. Something he’ll have to do over and over again in his life.
Now click here to follow me to see what my dear friend Adele has been up to. They have just pulled up stakes in Texas and rolled into the Denver area, big changes are ahead!
Happy March! I am posting a seemingly ordinary image from February. What’s not ordinary about it? It’s February in Chicago and my kids were wearing short sleeves and no coats for much of the month! Yesterday while out on a walk, I noticed a lot of confused tulips and daffodils starting to push up through the ground. I hope they make it because there is sure to me more cold weather and snow on the way at some point. But until then we (and pretty much every Chicagoan) are taking full advantage of this heat wave.
Now click here to follow me to Bainbridge Island to see what my adorable friend Krista has been up to in February, she has been shooting more lately and I can’t wait to see what she shares!
Your weird warm winter is even stranger than ours. No snow in all of Jan/Feb? Crazy. Love your sweet spitfire.
Happy 2017! We are kicking off another year of our beloved little blog circle! I always look forward to what my friends post. There aren’t any rules or themes, we just pick an image that sticks out to us each month.
My image is from our annual “6 Degrees of Eugene” photowalk shootout in downtown Chicago. Let me explain. One of the very best things about photography is how many wonderful people it has brought into my life. The fabulous women in this blog circle? I would have never crossed paths with them otherwise. We met in online photography courses! We are from Chicago, Denver, NYC, Georgia, Texas, and the Seattle area. So thankful we connected with each other and ever since have become fast friends and have traveled several times to have in-person fun as well. I can’t wait for our next adventure together! It’s impossible for us to not have fun.
Back to 6 Degrees of Eugene. Eugene is an old friend of mine. He’s a veterinarian, and I worked with him way back when I was a vet tech, working my tail off to try to get into vet school. We’ve always kept in touch and then have also had our photography “habit” in common. Eug and I meet up a couple times a year downtown to walk around and do some street photography. Such a nice departure from what I’m normally shooting. Last year, Eugene had some other friends come along, and their friends. We had the best time together shooting downtown and have been trying to meet up again (which is like herding cats). Everyone knows Eugene or someone who knows Eugene which is where the 6 degrees come in ☺️
We finally did it again! For some reason we keep going out in January – in Chicago. We got a lucky break and it was close to 40 degrees. You know you are with a group of photographers when:
- You are within yards of some of Chicago’s most famous landmarks and you spend most of your time shooting underground
- You nerd out all day chatting about lenses and gear
- You take pictures of each other taking pictures of each other taking pictures
- You lose people in the group from time to time who get ridiculously distracted by things like puddles, fog, or broken glass
- You set up portable tripods for group selfies instead of asking someone to take your picture
Please follow me to Bainbridge Island, WA to see what my friend Krista has been up to! She has gotten some new gear for Christmas and I’m hoping to see a lot more of her amazing work because of it soon!
Recently I traveled to Ft. Benning, GA to attend my oldest nephew’s graduation from Army basic training. It was amazing for many reasons. We come from a long line of soldiers dating back to the Continental Army and have relatives on both sides of the family that fought in the American Revolution. You might say he was destined for this. I’m proud of him for following his heart, he felt very strongly that becoming a soldier was what he was meant to do.
Also in attendance were my dad and my uncle, who both went to officer candidate school at Ft. Benning during the Viet Nam era. My brother was born on this base at that time. I’ve heard countless stories over the years about OCS and the army. It was so cool to finally see it for myself, while at the same time watching my dad, uncle, mom and aunt getting very emotional coming back and reliving parts of their past. You could almost see the memories and ghosts of the past popping up in their minds as they walked around the grounds.
Follow Me! My dad has a miniature version of this statue that has always been in our house. Finally saw the real thing at the entrance of the National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center.
The graduation ceremony was an amazing spectacle. Of course, as our luck would have it the weather was unseasonably freezing cold and everything was outdoors. Don’t let the sun in the pictures deceive you it was about 30 degrees at best. I nearly got frostbite on my toes but it was worth getting some shots of the action.
I was the crazy lady sneaking up as close as I could to the field to try and get a picture of her nephew. In uniform they look like clones, I had no idea where he was other than that he was in the middle formation. When they marched by I just blindly snapped away at everybody hoping he’d be in there somewhere. And he was! See those eyes shifted right looking at me, directly behind the guy with glasses? 😀 I only found him once I was scrolling back through my shots in the car and I was so happy because I had NO idea if I caught him or not!
Immediately after the ceremony the newly minted soldiers marched straight over to parked buses. In that mass confusion, we split up and searched to find my nephew to say one more goodbye before he got whisked off to Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska to begin the rest of his service. 24 hours after this he was in Fairbanks in -26F weather! Welcome to the Army.
Soldier’s Creed:
I am an American Soldier.
I am a warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
Jess, I absolutely love this. I love that you captured that picture of him in line!! What an honor to see this. Also I’ve been looking at your photos from email and missed the new blog, love the design!
Jess thank you so much for this! You are amazing! Jay loved this and I am so glad you were there! Love you!