puddle jumpers|la grange park child photographer

In late November, just before the first snowfall, there was a monsoon of a rainstorm. I posted one of the photos from this storm for my “one” blog circle image for November, where I explain what was going on. Here are a few more from those ten minutes of fun stomping around in the puddles.


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  • Candy Hoehn - Rainy days are the best! Kids have such fun playing in the puddles and they always produce such great memories.ReplyCancel

  • Kim - Jess I love these. The colors, the laughter. Perfect childhood moments.ReplyCancel

  • Emily - These are so cute. As a mother of a 3 year old, I can relate to the love of puddle jumping! I love their yellow coats with the fall colors…so pretty!ReplyCancel

  • Leslie - LOVE these photos! They capture such a ‘classic’ memory of childhood . . . one I remember well. Heh. Although I was usually barefoot. LOL. The colors are gorgeous, too! Beautiful photos!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell - This totally makes me want to go jump in puddles! What a great set of images.ReplyCancel

  • Colleen - I am still a big fan of puddle jumping, lol. 😀
    Sweet moments captured here.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa - These are so fun!! Love the memories you created 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Areke - Love the lifestyle feel to these. I definitely feel like I was there to see the kiddos playing in the rain. Beautiful!!ReplyCancel

  • Maryrose - Fun! Kids are such a wonderful reminder to enjoy the simple things in life. Great photos!ReplyCancel

  • Melissa Klein - So cute! I love their big smiles, and that looks like fun! Makes me wish spring was sooner here. 🙂ReplyCancel

light&bright|la grange family photographer

Such a fun loving, easy going, and sweet family! (And yes I am still catching up here from summer…pathetic, I know)!  These are more shots from mini sessions on Belle Isle in Detroit. So fun to do shoots with old friends we haven’t seen in a while and reconnect, see the kids, etc. I had Tim come along with me for these to be my “assistant” (but mostly to hang out with us)! Thanks for putting up with the crazy weather and general craziness going on all around us, O family! It was so great to see you guys!




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  • Kim - Jessica! I love seeing a splash of summer on these cold days! Wonderful job documenting their relationships and love. I love their color choices too!ReplyCancel

eyes on the prize|la grange pet photography

This is Sam. She’s a little intense. Give this girl a tennis ball and she’ll chase it until she drops. So…let’s just say that to get this gal to gaze intently into my camera, I *may* have been holding a tennis ball right in front of her snoot and on top on my lens!

chocolate lab headshot

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let love rule|chicago engagement photos

Over the summer, I had a shoot that was a really refreshing change of pace for me – with an engaged couple. Now I love me some toddlers and dogs, they truly are my favorite subjects to shoot…but to have two adults, ready, willing, and able to take a little direction? Almost didn’t know what to do with that! Ron and Kathleen are getting married this spring. I’ll let you guess when (I think they said they blew threw quite a few LP’s trying to make that sign for their save the date cards!). You see, Ron is in a band, thus the record. They’re pretty cute, huh?

It was such a fun time heading back down to the city to their neighborhood to snap some pictures of them. And their two dogs. When I heard they had two “kind of crazy” dogs – I was so excited to include them as well! Both of the dogs are rescues, which of course is something near and dear to my heart. And all of this reminded me of when we had our engagement photos taken, wandering around downtown with my dog. Brings back great memories. Best wishes at your wedding, R+K! I’m sure it will rock!

engaged couple by factory in Chicago



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This “One” really snuck up on me – we were traveling a lot this month, and all over the place in general, it’s a wonder I even got out my camera at all. If it weren’t for this circle, I’d probably have nothing recent on my blog! Trying to get more posted soon! It’s hard to keep up.

This month was pretty wild in terms of weather, even by Chicago’s standards. It would swing from warm (almost hot), to 30 degrees, to a thunderstorm, to monsoon, to tornado, back to warm, then snow, all within 48 hours. One Sunday morning, just a couple of weeks ago, I was doing a shoot of some shelter dogs in the city at Chicago Canine Rescue. There were storm warnings, flash flood warnings, but there almost always are. I thought I’d try to squeeze in as many dogs as I could before the storm was supposed to hit around noon, and then high-tail it back to the ‘burbs.

Well, it started getting quite dark and windy out when I was on my second to last pup of the day. Then it started pouring. I shot the last dog inside…and then looked out to a torrential downpour complete with hail. Waited for about 20 minutes until I realized things weren’t going to change and I wrapped my camera in 3 plastic bags and made a run for my car. I was completely soaked, but my camera was nice and dry. When I pulled up to my house, it had (sort of) stopped raining, but the streets were flooded and my husband and our neighbors were out raking the leaves out of the gutters as fast as they could to get the water to drain.

The first thing I could see as I drove up were two little figures in bright raincoats and boots, dancing and splashing in the street. There are about eleven million kids in our neighborhood, so the last thing on my mind was that my children were running amuck in a rainstorm. Turns out, it was my boys, soaked to the bone, freezing, and having the time of their lives jumping in the puddles and the rain. And I thought to myself, I’m so glad my kids have their father – I would never think to do this and even if I had, I definitely wouldn’t have let them stay out there that long.

I grabbed my camera out of my car, and shot a few pictures before it started thundering again and I made the boys come back inside with me. I could barely grab focus between them moving so fast and me trying to protect my lens from the rain, but I’m so glad I grabbed a few shots of their splashfest. The simple joys of being little. toddler splashing in rain in street Please continue around our blog circle by following me to Colorado to see what my dear friend Sarah has been up to this month. Keep clicking through the links to make your way around the entire circle…it’s fun, promise!

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  • Adele Humphries - Amazing shot! Love that it’s “Remus-style” headless too! 🙂
    Perfection my friend!ReplyCancel

  • Kim - I love the freedom of childhood in this image and the sentiment — so true how these daddies balance us out, and hopefully give our kids the best of both worlds.ReplyCancel

  • tim remus - dads rule!!ReplyCancel

  • Krista - I know just what you mean! This shot makes me smile (actually, a theme with your work…). Bright and joyful! Beautiful job.ReplyCancel

  • Stacey Vukelj - Oh, this is just for me, I can tell. You know I’m a sucker for the rain shots. Love this – so much fun captured in one tiny moment.ReplyCancel
