2015 365 | week 17

Week 17 of my picture-a-day project in 2015. Still plugging away!

113/365 | got some film scans back – and some images (including this one) had been sitting in my film camera for over a year. Yikes! He looks so little here! Note to self: develop film faster next time before he’s a teenager…


114/365 | back of the camera shot from our Florida trip…the back of Charlie’s vtech kiddie camera, that is. I imagine this is how my kids will always remember me!


115/365 | created a couple monsters…


116/365 | photographed some shelter dogs for Chicago Canine Rescue again! so many sweet dogs in need of a good home!


117/365 | a case of the Mondays, so hard to get up


118/365 | giving an adoring look to her Pop Pop


119/365 | showing his brother the portraits at the preschool art show


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one | april 2015

Somehow, it’s the end of April and spring is finally happening around here in Chicago! It snowed before we left for spring break, when we came back, it was sunny and everything was just starting to green up and bloom. Yay!

I shot a bunch of rolls of film when we were down in Florida and finally got my scans back! As usual, they’re imperfect, grainy, and have a faded and funky color vibe that makes these pictures look like I took them in the ’70s and just recently found them. I kind of love that about film. It’s timeless, a little rough around the edges, and unpredictable. Lots of imperfections. It just cannot be replicated with digital – which is almost too perfect, too sharp, too much detail, right down to the last pixel.

And for those photography buffs out there – perhaps the thing I love most about film is the highlight retention. I don’t shy away from shooting in full sun, or harsh lighting situations with high contrast. Film can render highlights without losing detail like nobody’s business. I shoot in lighting situations with film that I wouldn’t dare with my digital cameras. Or when I do, I buy myself a lot of editing time which is no fun.

So here’s one from early April, shot on film:


Now please follow me to Texas to see what my talented buddy Adele has been up to in April! And then click through to continue around our small circle.

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2015 365 | week 16

Week 16 – back at home from vacation, getting back in the groove, and appreciating the fact that it appears to *acutally* be spring now.

106/365 | finally! Nate’s name is drawn to take the classroom bear “Snuggles” home for the weekend. Snuggles comes with his own suitcase full of outfits, his toothbrush, and a journal.


107/365 | hello spring! our pear tree is blooming


108/365 | the boys are very serious about their care of Snuggles, they brushed his teeth and fur every night, and put his pajamas on


109/365 | they both had to sleep on the top bunk with Snuggles


110/365 | planting flowers for earth day


111/365 | finding a new outfit for Snuggles before we have to bring him back


112/365 | it’s that time of year, the purple dragons are back at it again!



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2015 365 | week 15

Week 15 included the tail end of our fabulous spring break vacation in Florida. And the drive home. That’s right. The drive. Florida to Chicago, roughly 24 hours in the car with three kids. Slightly hair-raising but all worth it! This week also contains my 100th image for this year!!! I can’t believe I’m  already over 100 days into this project.

Taking on a 365 was very daunting at first. In the past I’ve even tried a few weekly projects and stopped. But now it’s becoming habit and I’m so glad I decided to take it on this year. Not every image is a showstopper, not even close. But I have ongoing documentation of my family’s life in 2015, and I know I’ll look back on this and be so happy I captured these moments, big and small.

99/365 | ice cream for breakfast – it’s vacation!


100/365 | introduced the boys to one of the simple joys in life – night swimming


101/365 | reflections on the walk to get donuts


102/365 | until we meet again, Florida!


103/365 | birds on a wire on the voyage back to Illinois


104/365 | signs of spring at home


105/365 | dress-up day at preK, what do you want to be when you grow up? a dentist. here’s his serious “dentist pose” before school.



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2015 365 | week 14

Week 14 this year was all about spring break! We had absolutely perfect weather this year. The boys were in the water all day every day. Baby B got in the pool too and loved kicking around and splashing. And chewing on everything she could get her paws on. We also went to visit our dear friends across the state in Delray Beach for a couple of days just before Easter, and the kids all had such a blast together.

A lot of my vacation pictures this year were shot on film, and I’m anxiously awaiting my scans coming back from the lab…until then, some more digital snaps:

92/365 | a little message to the snowbirds on a neighbor’s house (accompanied by Buddha and sphinx statues)


93/265 | fun with friends, they put on a bunch of crazy stuff and ran back and forth like this about 8,000 times. old friends are the best friends!

14 365-1-2

94/365 | watching the big kids


95/365 | early morning egg hunt


96/365 | he could not have been more excited to hold this baby alligator


97/365 | daily pool party with Gigi + Pop Pop


98/365 | watching the boys from her baby containment unit…


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2015 365 | week 13

Playing catch up here! I have been keeping up with my 365 project, taking pictures every day…it’s just that we were in Florida on spring break vacation so I didn’t have access to my computer to edit and upload everything. We had a great time. It was so nice to go into 80 degree weather after the tough winter we had here – including more snow the week we left.

Much of what I shot in Florida was shot on film, so I won’t have it back for a couple of weeks. Eeeek! The waiting and suspense kills me. I shot everything on the beach exclusively on film, so unfortunately can’t share those just yet. Hopefully I got some good keepers, you don’t always know what you’re going to get!

85/365 | nate’s awesome dino diorama from preschool. I wondered why they asked for a shoebox…

13 365-1-7

86/365 | ready to leave this nonsense behind for a little bit, even if it means all night and day in the car with three kids under the age of five!

13 365-1-8

87/365 | arrived in Florida after almost 24 hours in the family truckster

car in florida

88/365 | so happy to be in the warm weather, taking it all in

13 365-1-3

89/365 | first full day of fun in the sun

13 365-1-4

90/365 | charlie quickly got over what little fear he had of the deep end this year


91/365 | trying on my dad’s foakleys

13 365-1-5

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