24 hours of winter

I’m thrilled to report that winter this year has been exceptionally mild. Well deserved after the last two years of living in the arctic polar vortex. The funny this is that we were so prepared this year, got everyone new boots and snow pants, really great insulated gloves, etc. And we went sledding exactly twice.

We heard that Michigan had some snow so we jumped in the car and headed up to the lake to try to catch the last remnants of winter, and to have the baby wear her adorable little snow pants and boots at least once. It was her first time playing in the snow. Even though it’s snowed a handful of times, we just hadn’t really played in it yet with her.

Normally at this time of year, the lake is frozen solid and there are ice fisherman and snowmobiles out there. This year it’s only frozen out in the middle, just enough for the geese to stand around on it. Calvin (our pup) decided to take a little dip in the ice water a few times.




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