best dog ever|pictures my grandfather took

Tonight I was going through and cleaning out my hard drive a little bit…getting rid of digital negatives that I really don’t need that just aren’t worth editing any further.  Of course, I got super distracted when I came across some more of my grandfather’s 35mm slides that I recently scanned.  I remember both of these shots very well.  We had them up on the wall up at the lake for a long time, I’m sure they are still somewhere up there.  This is my dog Boots, the best dog ever, who lived up until the ripe old age of almost 16.  She was the absolute best in the world.  Papa wasn’t much of a dog person, but he got such a kick out of Bootsie and often photographed her.  She used to love stretching out like this on the dock to get some sun.

And this one is a classic, my youngest cousin Megan, perched by Boots…and there just so happens to be a strategically placed can of beer right by her.  I know Papa spotted this and that it was a comical composition he just couldn’t resist.  I can hear him giggling (well more like cackling and wheezing) about it.  So glad to have found these again.

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  • Kim Lane - You know I love these!! Don’t you hope our grandchildren find our stuff some day?ReplyCancel

  • Julia - So sweet Jess! Love these.
    When you’re done with your hard drive can you come clean up mine? It is such a mess and LR is running sooo slow these days, totally overburdened.ReplyCancel

    • admin - Thanks Julia! Maybe I should start a hard drive clean-up service, good idea. I hear you, LR is running painfully slow over here as well!!ReplyCancel

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  • Gigi - Jess,
    You are so tender. Thanks for giving me my Bootsie again. And you’re right-if Papa could have loved a dog-and just maybevhe did-it would have been Boots. LoveReplyCancel
