teamhumphries-Jessica, that last one could not be cuter!! Love all these shots but the last one made me laugh out loud…mostly because of Nate’s awesome cheeks and Charlies “over it” expression. Fabulous job!ReplyCancel
Kara K.-Fabulous! Great job with the street photography! I just love that bean…and those two boys! xoxoReplyCancel
teamhumphries - Jessica, that last one could not be cuter!! Love all these shots but the last one made me laugh out loud…mostly because of Nate’s awesome cheeks and Charlies “over it” expression. Fabulous job!
Kara K. - Fabulous! Great job with the street photography! I just love that bean…and those two boys! xoxo
jessicaremus - Ha ha, thanks Adele – they were so done!
valerie marie - Oooh! That first one should be framed!!!! And then printed and SOLD!!! 🙂 The reflection shot it awesome!!
valerie marie - Oooh! That first one should be framed!!!! And then printed and SOLD!!! 🙂 The reflection shot it awesome!!